
Vegan “Meatballs” Recipe

Vegan “Meatballs” Recipe

These Vegan "Meatballs" taste so delicious that no one will guess that they are extremely healthy and made with just lentils, veggies & the new spicy Red Chilli Sauce from Zambrero. They can be served with pasta, tossed through a salad, on a wrap or sandwhich or...

Strawberry, Mint & Coconut Nice-cream

Strawberry, Mint & Coconut Nice-cream

Strawberry, Mint & Coconut Nice-cream Ingredients: 1 punnet of strawberries 1 ripe banana 2tbs shredded coconut Small bunch of fresh mint Method: 1. Wash strawberries & slice in half. Place into a container. 2. Peel banana & slice. Place into container...

Creamy Avocado Zoodles

Creamy Avocado Zoodles

CREAMY AVOCADO ZOODLES 6 zucchinis 1 large ripe avocado 2 garlic cloves Handful of fresh basil leaves 1/2 fresh lemon (juiced) 1 tbs extra-virgin olive oil 2 tbs nutritional yeast Wash zucchinis and remove ends.Using a spiralizer, spiralize all the zucchinis and cook...

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