Changing your baby’s nappy for the first time can be daunting. Like most things in motherhood, it’s a completely new experience and something you have to practice with a lot of patience and love to really get the hang of.
If I’m being completely honest, I was terrified changing my baby boy’s first nappy. As a Dietitian, I knew what to expect with my baby’s first poos and what they should look like, but
I had never changed a nappy before, let alone of a crying newborn’s nappy.
But fast forward a few months, I now feel like a nappy changing pro. I’ve changed 100s of nappies and can do it one handed, in the dark, half asleep, all while keeping bubba calm and happy. I know exactly what to expect with his poos and I’ve become an expert at catching any unexpected poo explosions during nappy time.
What To Expect with Your Baby’s First Poos
You can tell a lot about your baby from their first poos. While a wide variation can exist in a newborn’s poos, here is a general guide with what you can expect with your baby’s first poos.
Day 1: 0-24 hours
The first poo will be black / green in colour and a sticky tar-like consistency. This is due to the meconium present in your baby’s digestive system and is a sign their digestion is working well. The meconium is made up of amniotic fluid, mucus and everything your baby ingested while they were in the womb.
Your baby will be consuming about ½ tsp of colostrum which protects them against infections,. and you can expect 1+ wet nappy in the first 24 hours.
Also note that over the first few days, uric acid in your baby’s wee may leave an orange-red colour in their nappy, which is normal during this time. After this, your baby’s urine should be odourless and clear or very pale in colour. If your baby’s urine is dark in colour, this could suggest your baby needs more breastmilk and you should seek medical advice.
Day 2: 24-48 hours
On day two, your baby’s poos should become softer but will still be a dark green / black in colour. Your baby will be consuming about 1 tsp of colostrum and you can expect 2+ wet nappies.
Day 3: 48-72 hours
From day three, your babies poos will be less sticky and change to a greenish-brown colour. You breastmilk supply will be increasing and you can expect 3+ wet nappies.
Day 4: 72-96 hours
On day four, your baby’s poos will become a lighter green-brown or may even change to a yellow mustard colour. Poos can be seedy, like wholegrain mustard, or watery in consistency and larger in volume. You can expect 4+ wet nappies.
Day 5: 96+ hours
On day five, you can expect mostly mustard-yellow poos that are soft or liquid. Poos may also smell slightly sweet. Your breastmilk supply will be increasing to 500-800mls, so you will most likely see 5+ wet nappies.
Day 6+
From day six onwards, you can expect at least 5 heavy wet nappies every 24hours. Poos should not be offensive smelling if you baby is breastfed.
If your baby is being formula-fed, their poo may resemble more of an adult’s poo and may be bulkier, pastier, and stronger-smelling. This is because formula milk can’t be digested as completely as breastmilk. This can also mean bottle-fed babies are more prone to constipation. If this occurs, seek medical advice.
Note that if your baby’s stool contains whitish mucus, flecks or streaks of red, this could be a sign that there is blood in your baby’s poos and there may be a problem, so always seek medical advice.
Editor’s Note - This article is intended for information purposes only. It should not replace medical advice. Always consult your medical professional.
This article is proudly sponsored by Woolworths. All opinions are my own and not influenced in any way.