Health + Nutrition Tips

Want To Detox? Read This First!

Want To Detox? Read This First!

So you want to do a detox? Let’s get a few things straight: You can’t “detox” or cleanse your body – your organs do the detoxing for you You can remove toxins, such as alcohol, from you diet so there is less work for your organs You can eat foods like vegetables...

Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?

Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?

When eaten in large amounts, all fats, including healthy fats, can contribute to weight gain. However this does not mean that fats make you fat. Too many calories, no matter where they are coming from, will contribute to weight gain if you are not burning them...

How To Build Muscle On A Plant-Based Diet

How To Build Muscle On A Plant-Based Diet

It’s a common misconception that you need to be eating meat, and lots of it, to build muscle. Muscle growth relies on a number of factors, and while protein is definitely key to this, it doesn’t need to come from eating meat. You can easily achieve muscle growth on a...

What I Eat In A Day

What I Eat In A Day

After an overwhelming number of requests for a blog post on What I Eat In A Day, it’s finally here! Now I want you to remember that this is what “I” eat in a day, so it doesn’t mean that it is appropriate for everyone. This way of eating suits me and my lifestyle. I’m...

What’s In A Dietitian’s Pantry

What’s In A Dietitian’s Pantry

After posting my "What's In My Fridge" pictures on instagram,  I had a tonne of requests asking me to do a "What's In My Pantry". So without further ado, here's are the staples you will always find in my pantry & what I use them for: Oats - I use these for making...

5 Reasons To Eat Pears This Winter

5 Reasons To Eat Pears This Winter

Pears are a healthy and delicious fruit that you should be eating each day this Winter! Find out why below: Happy Guts - Pears are the go-to fruit to keep your digestive system healthy1. Pears contain a unique combination of nutrients that help maintain normal...

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